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How can I hide or delete a resource from the desktop schedule?

If you wish to delete or hide a resource from the view, either an ex-employee or a resource no longer needed, this can be done in 4 ways:

1, If the hiding is only needed for a short period you can apply a simple filter and choose the resources you do want to see in your view. Filters can also be saved for future use to make changing filters very quick and easy.

2, You can move the resource to a different group that is not currently visible, e.g. an Ex-employee group. This keeps the resource and their data in the system for historical reporting.

3, In the Desktop version you can also edit the resource and remove them from all groups. Not being assigned to a group will also make them invisible.

4, If a resource has events linked to it, it cannot be deleted, you will need to remove all events which can be done in batch. If you still wish to delete the resource you will need to remove these links in any events first.

- Desktop Product : Use the main Search to find all events link to the resource then choose Options > With ALL Results > Change Details > then remove just the resource you want to delete from all the found events.

- Online Product : You will need to delete all the events. Use the Event Filter to find all events linked to the resource then choose the List View, you can then select all events using the tickbox on the right then choose to delete all the marked events.

(hide, resource, person, employee, remove, delete, staff)
Last updated, 11 October 2013, 13:56

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