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Online login not working and message 'Online user limit reached/exceeded'

If you receive the message that your online user limit has been reached then your account has more user names trying to access your account than the number of licenses that have been purchased.

For example, if your company has purchased 5 online licenses only 5 users can login. If you need more users to login you would need to purchase additional online licenses for the new users which you can do your your Account Settings page.

At the start, each free license is allocated to the first user that logs in. Once allocated it is not assigned to anybody else. The licenses are not just used for concurrent users. When the user logs off their license is not made available for other users as its already been allocated so you need enough licenses to cover all your users.

To view the recorded names in your online license, when logged into your online account, click the Account link in the top right of your browser window. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and click the 'view licensed names' link.

If a user has left the company or you have changed the login names for some of your users you will need to clear the logged license names. To clear the recorded names in your online license, when logged into your online account, click the Account link in the top right of your browser window. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and tick the 'Reset licensed names' link and press Update.
Last updated, 11 December 2014, 17:14

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